Via Veloce by Wille R.    since November 1995 and still here.

Next First published Nov 1997

Alfa Romeo Spider Frequently Asked Questions.

1750 Spider Veloce

dotIs the 1750 Veloce the same as the Duetto?

dotWas the body the same as the Duetto?

dotWhat about the interior?

dotWhat about the instruments?

dotThe electric system was more powerful, or?

dotThe 1750 Veloce engine

dotThe gearbox and transmission

dotThe wheels and tyres

dotThe US 1750 Spider Veloce features

dotThe US 1750 Spider Veloce SPICA system

dotThe suspension

dotThe steering

dotThe brakes

dotThe original colors and other options

dotProduction figures,  numbers and price

dotThe dimensions of the 1750 Spider Veloce

dotWho owns a Duetto